Closure of Australian Inclusion Network

All support services will end by 31 March 2023. Read full details here >

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Garry meets the Brisbane Broncos

We have been working alongside Garry in a Support Coordination role for the last 6 months. At a planning meeting with Garry, we talked about his likes and interests. Garry told us about his passion for music but also that he was a big fan of the Brisbane Broncos.

After many conversations, Garry said that he would really like the chance to go and watch an actual Broncos game but was unsure of how he would go with lots of people.

His Support Coordinator Karla, looked into this further and reached out to the Brisbane Broncos to get some more information about their Open Training Sessions. Two days later Karla received an email back with the upcoming days and times of the sessions, and also the opportunity for Garry to meet some of the players after the training session.

Needless to say, when Karla rang Garry to let him know what she had been up to, he was so excited that he wasn’t sure what to say or even if she was telling him the truth.

Garry picked the day he and his staff were available to attend, and it was locked in. Karla then received another message from Brigid, from the Community Team at the Broncos, saying that she will meet Garry and his Support Worker Paul at the field to introduce him to the players, give him some promo items that the team can sign, and depending on how Garry goes the option to also attend an actual game!

Garry thoroughly enjoyed his morning meeting some of the team and is looking forward to hopefully going to a game in the near future.