Closure of Australian Inclusion Network

All support services will end by 31 March 2023. Read full details here >

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Building confidence and connecting with others

Brenton is a kind, gentle, and extremely thoughtful young man. But he was not happy with himself. He tended to be shy, reserved, and nervous around others. Working with his Support Worker, Peter, he wanted to get connected with his community.

Peter and Brenton worked together for two and a half years to achieve Brenton’s big-picture goal by supporting him so he could learn how to use public transportation independently to make connections within his community. Through the support of his Support Worker, he was able to develop his confidence in interacting with other people in the community along the way. He found independence and self-reliance.

After being mentored, he was able to join various community activities. He became a valued member of his local bowling club where he is about to begin his second season of community bowls and is now able to go to the club without support this season. He was also able to go on his first short cruise and he now loves attending rugby and AFL matches.

Brenton has been able to become a more confident young man. He loves being in his community now and is a very integral part of it. He even volunteers his time by lending a hand at the weekly working bee within his local bowling club. He is now able to live a fuller more meaningful life because he was able to achieve the goal that he set.