Closure of Australian Inclusion Network

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Working as a team and creatively = great results

Dave loves to live his life on the edge. He loves scuba diving, off-road biking, and paintballing. He is also a volunteer firefighter. He became interested in applying for the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award after talking to someone who was an earlier Gold Award Participant.

Working with his Support Worker, John, Dave was able to explore the possibility of applying for the Duke of Edinburgh Award and why it was important to him. His main goal was to use the Gold Award from the Duke of Edinburgh to help him get employment and career opportunities. He didn’t have a Tertiary Qualification and this was another avenue to stand out and show what he can do to potential employers.

The Duke of Edinburgh required a lengthy process of application. Dave and John worked together as a team to be able to document all the activities that Dave is involved in. They found a creative way to enable Dave to record all the evidence required for the application process. By using Dave’s Voce-to-Text function, he was able to independently record proof of the activities he was involved in. He also took photos of the activities he was part of.

Thanks to the creative way John worked with Dave to help him with the administration side he was able to receive the Bronze Award, Silver Award, and Gold Award. Through the Duke of Edinburgh, Dave was able to find part-time work with a coffee shop where he volunteered during his application for the Gold Award. After receiving the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, he was encouraged to pursue a career in the Police or Defence Force.

Names have been changed due to privacy reasons