Closure of Australian Inclusion Network

All support services will end by 31 March 2023. Read full details here >

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Focusing on skill development creates highly trusted and valued co-worker

We had previously worked with Steve to help him use his unpaid work experience placement into paid employment in a department store. When he first started working with his Support Worker, Jack, he was being supported by a Disability Employment Service (DES) Provider. Jack was able to connect and work together with Steve’s DES consultant.

Steve’s Support Worker worked with him to develop his skills so that he is able to get better job opportunities while his Disability Employment Service consultant worked with Steve’s employer to track Steve’s progress. This collaborative team approach helped Steve secure paid employment. When the department store management was hiring for new employees, Steve was able to put his name forward for the role because Steve’s skills had developed a lot by then. As Steve was well-liked and respected, there were two departments competing for him to fill a role.

Steve has become a highly valued and trusted team member within the department store. He is now able to live a fulfilling and full life.

Names have been changed due to privacy reasons