Closure of Australian Inclusion Network

All support services will end by 31 March 2023. Read full details here >

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Social Role Valorization Theory


Social Role Valorization, or SRV for short, is a dynamic set of ideas useful for making positive change in the lives of people disadvantaged because of their status in society. SRV is utilized mainly in service to children and adults with impairments as well as elders, but it can be helpful to uplift the social situation of any person or group.


Four Principles of Social Justice


What does it mean for a society to be just? Philosophers, politicians, and everyday people have wrestled with this question for as long as society has existed. The term “social justice” first applied only to economic resources. Over time, it has become aligned with human rights. The distribution of resources, how people are treated, and access to services and opportunities all play a role in social justice. Because society is complex, social justice is complex as well. At its most basic, it breaks down into four principles.


21 Tips for Promoting Independence in Adults with A Disability


Have you ever considered how to increase the independence of your loved one? It can be hard to find the time and energy to work on greater independence, but it’s definitely worthwhile.

Accepting the unknowns involved in achieving a more independent lifestyle for a family member with an intellectual disability can be challenging as change can be difficult and scary for everyone.


The Art of Asking by Ric Thompson


The successful pursuit, attainment and maintenance of community in the lives of individuals with a disability (and their families) is a major focus of Commonwealth and State governments, many Disability Services and above all, individuals themselves. The vision and accompanying passion is present, yet there appears to be little evidence that matches the vision. This brief paper wishes to share a belief that a major contributing factor to our limited success may rest in our failure to either ask of others and, even more importantly, to be ask prepared.

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Self-Determination Theory and Motivation


In psychology, self-determination is an important concept that refers to each person’s ability to make choices and manage their own life. This ability plays an important role in psychological health and well-being. Self-determination allows people to feel that they have control over their choices and lives. It also has an impact on motivation—people feel more motivated to take action when they feel that what they do will have an effect on the outcome.

The concept of self-determination has been applied to a wide variety of areas including education, work, parenting, exercise, and health. Research suggests that having high self-determination can fosters success in many different domains of life.

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The Five Accomplishments by John O’Brien and Connie Lyle O’Brien


John O’Brien’s Five Essential Service Accomplishments were aimed at focusing and guiding staff in their work. The accomplishments describe worthy consequences of supported activities. Each accomplishment supports what is considered to be a vital aspect of human experience which common practice often limits for people with severe disabilities.

Each accomplishment recognises the interdependence that exists between individuals, and challenges and strengthens the relationship between people with disabilities and other community members. The aim was to ensure that a human service programme, focused on community participation, would assist people with severe disabilities to form and maintain the variety of ties and connections that constitute community life.

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