Closure of Australian Inclusion Network

All support services will end by 31 March 2023. Read full details here >

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Categories: Videos

Inclusion of People with Disabilities


In this short video, produced by ACT Alliance, explains why the inclusion of people with disabilities is good for everyone.

Watch the video here

Person Centred Planning


This short video, produced by LiveWorkPlay, explains what person centred planning is and how it puts people with disability in the centre of support.

Watch the video here

Inspiration Porn and the Objectification of Disability


Stella Young is a comedian, disability advocate and Editor of ABC’s Ramp Up website, the online space for news, discussion and opinion about disability in Australia. Born in Stawell in Western Victoria, Stella cut her activist teeth at the age of 14 by conducting an access audit of shops on the local main street. It didn’t take long — it was a pretty short street. Since then she has been active in the disability community in a variety of roles, including membership of the Victorian Disability Advisory Council, Ministerial Advisory Council for the Department of Victorian Communities and Women With Disabilities Victoria.

In her TEDx Talk, she discuss how inspiration porn and the objectification of disability negatively impacts and affects people with disability.

Watch the video here

Sticks and Stones: The Effects of Labelling


Sticks and Stones is a stark illustration about the impact of negative labelling on people’s lives.

Watch the video here

7 Keys to Citizenship


Citizenship is about living a good life that we each choose and making contributions to the community, while respecting the rights of others to pursue their own path. In this video, Simon Duffy describes 7 keys to how we can achieve citizenship in practice for everyone.

Watch the video here

Asset Based Community Development (ABCD)


Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) is an approach to community development, as well as a way of thinking and seeing. This animation explains the basics of ABCD – the principles we choose to work with at Cultural Connections.

Watch the video here